5 Practical Steps and Control Measures to Minimise Vibration Exposure

Long term vibration exposure is most commonly an issue for people working in construction and manufacturing, with the implications for

Occupational Exposure Monitoring Explained

Let’s talk about Exposure Monitoring. It’s fair to say that nearly all employers accept that they have a responsibility and

Legionella leads to 28 day (and counting) library closure

Legionella has hit the news again, this time with Chantry Library in Ipswich closing for 28 days (and counting), following

Your one-stop shop for all things safety!

Your one-stop shop for all things safety! Whatever your industry you are in, discover our extensive collection of health and

Latest construction campaign to prevent ill health from moving and handling materials

The concept of occupational health is an area that there has been growing understanding in recent times. Where employers have

The link between hearing loss and Alzheimer’s disease

Almost two million Britons already have hearing loss as a result of uncontrolled workplace noise.  Although UK employers have long

PPE regulations to change from April 2022

PPE has changed a lot since the beginning of the pandemic. Workers are now demanding they are provided with the right equipment, which is now backed up by the new HSE regulations. 

The rise of PPE – How the UK changed overnight

Undoubtedly, the term ‘PPE’ is now a household name owing to the Covid-19 pandemic.  The UK has seen a huge

Entry Level Occupational Hygiene Consultant

Ideal start date – As Soon As Possible, busy work load Salary – Starting salary £20,000 – £25,000 depending on

Hand sanitiser and DSEAR – What you need to know.

Since Covid-19 swept across the globe, and with a clear message from the UK government to wash and sanitise hands,

COVID-19 Safety practices

As our facilities remain open, in order to ensure the ongoing safety of our employees and customers throughout the COVID-19

Safety First Group helps local charity North Staffs Mind with donation

Safety First Group has proudly donated £1000 towards a charity concert in aid of North Staffordshire based charity North Staffs

Are your workers adequately prepared for working at height?

There were 35 workplace deaths last year due to falls from height. Businesses who work at heights need to have