Workplace wellbeing
compliance, SF Compliance Solutions

Leading charity calls for improved workplace well being

In the wake of the Coronavirus Furlough scheme being drawn to an end, a leading charity asks the UK and Scottish government to consider a commission to improve workplace well being. 

This comes as many as 1 million people are left in limbo as the furlough scheme ends, and asking ‘what now?’.  

According to the charity, armed with the knowledge that the pandemic has affected everyone in different ways, there needs to be an appropriate approach to the delivery of any services that are employed to help workers with their mental health. 

The UK government has indicated that they are fully committed to protecting and enhancing workers rights, as they begin a consultation to make flexible working the norm for all UK industries. 

Investing in workplace well being 

Workplace well being should start from the first day a new employee comes to work for you and should last throughout their employment lifetime. Regular health surveillance can really make the difference in identifying those most at risk of mental health problems at work early, and especially so if we were to enter another UK lock down. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, the spotlight remains on improving mental health in the workplace as many people were left isolated and suffering with the lack of human interaction, whilst not forgetting those who were placed on furlough throughout the pandemic.

Investing in employee well being can reap lots of positives such as:

  • Improved productivity and motivation
  • Reduction in workplace absence
  • Reduction in staff
  • Helping to attract top talent

As we see more employee mental health reports and coverage in the news, will there be a future where Health and Safety compliance includes both mental and physical safety? 

If you are just starting to consider ways to improve workplace well being and need to talk to us about any of our services including mental health training and health surveillance, You can contact us here.


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